Bunker Hills Event Center is the perfect location for weddings, celebrations of life and family gatherings, and conferences and board meetings in Coon rapids MN.
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Questions and Answers
Q:(Traduit par Google) Bonjour, quel est l'hôtel le plus proche de chez vous ?
J'assiste à un mariage là-bas en août 2020
Hello , what is the closest Hotel to you?
I am attending a wedding there in August 2020
Thank You
(Traduit par Google) Je suis un utilisateur de Google Maps, comme vous devez l'être. L'hôtel le plus proche de chez moi se trouve à environ 20 minutes du Bunker Hills Event Center. Je ne connais pas les mariages, cependant, c'est un endroit idéal pour les types d'événements auxquels j'y participe.
Vous pouvez utiliser Google Maps pour localiser un hôtel à proximité. Accédez au site, puis recherchez des hôtels. Les étapes exactes par appareil/application. Je ne l'ai fait que sur le navigateur Windows Google et sur l'application Android Google Maps. Ne sachant pas ce que vous utilisez, je photographierais dans le noir.
Si vous ne le comprenez pas, Google Maps vous donne leurs coordonnées.
I'm a Google maps user like you must be. The closest hotel to me is about 20 minutes from Bunker Hills Event Center. I don't know about weddings, however, it is a great place for the types of events that I attend there.
You can use Google maps to locate a nearby hotel. Pull up the site, then search for hotels. The exact steps very by device/app. I have only done this on Windows Google browser and the Android Google maps app. Not knowing what you are using, I would be shooting in the dark.
If you don't figure it out, Google maps gives contact info for them.
JJonathan Goossen
5 years ago
Q:Hello , what is the closest Hotel to you?
I am attending a wedding there in August 2020
Thank You
I'm a Google maps user like you must be. The closest hotel to me is about 20 minutes from Bunker Hills Event Center. I don't know about weddings, however, it is a great place for the types of events that I attend there.
You can use Google maps to locate a nearby hotel. Pull up the site, then search for hotels. The exact steps very by device/app. I have only done this on Windows Google browser and the Android Google maps app. Not knowing what you are using, I would be shooting in the dark.
If you don't figure it out, Google maps gives contact info for them.