Apartments For Rent Near Georgia Southern University For Students
Cambridge at Southern is a Statesboro apartment community designed for students at Georgia Southern University. Enjoy furnished 1 to 4 bedroom apartments and townhomes with a full set of amenities such as two resort-style pools, fitness centers, beautiful clubhouses and the GSU shuttle bus right outside the front door. Contact us for more information!
Q:(Traduit par Google) À quelle distance se trouve ce complexe d'appartements du GSU ?
How far is this apt complex from the GSU ?
(Traduit par Google) N'oubliez pas d'envoyer vos listes de tâches et de tuer la journée dès aujourd'hui ! Votre travail acharné ne passe pas inaperçu
Don't forget to send your to do lists and kill the day today! Your hard work is not going unnoticed
SScion Group
1 year ago
(Traduit par Google) À distance de marche 3 minutes en voiture
Walking distance 3min drive
RRaquel Salhab
5 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Jusqu'où est ce complexe d'appartements du GSU ?
How far is this apt complex from the GSU ?
(Traduit par Google) N'oubliez pas d'envoyer vos listes de tâches et de tuer la journée dès aujourd'hui ! Votre travail acharné ne passe pas inaperçu
Don't forget to send your to do lists and kill the day today! Your hard work is not going unnoticed
SScion Group
1 year ago
(Traduit par Google) À distance de marche 3 minutes en voiture
Walking distance 3min drive
RRaquel Salhab
5 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Un non-étudiant peut-il vivre dans les appartements sans colocataire.
Can a non student live in the apartments without a roommate.
(Traduit par Google) Eh bien, je ne pense pas, je peux faire les conclusions et poster la réponse ici
Well, I don't think so, I can make the findings and post the response here
JJoel Elizabeth
2 years ago
(Traduit par Google) Votre question nous intéresse. Veuillez contacter notre équipe communautaire pour vous aider.
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.
SScion Group
1 year ago
Q:How far is this apt complex from the GSU ?
Don't forget to send your to do lists and kill the day today! Your hard work is not going unnoticed
1 year ago
Walking distance 3min drive
RRaquel Salhab
5 years ago
Q:Can a non student live in the apartments without a roommate.
Well, I don't think so, I can make the findings and post the response here
JJoel Elizabeth
2 years ago
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.